
Watch for the second book in the series called The Day the Lake Disappeared. Enjoy this interactive, fun story with the same enchanting group of butterfly friends, whimsical illustrations, holographic foils, 3-D glittery stickers and touchy-feely elements. A Color-Me-Page, more Discussion Suggestions as well as a brand new MyPal Pedia Page and some Find-it Fun make this book truly interactive. The butterflies ride the magical rainbow again and are catapulted into a far-away country, where they not only experience new customs but come face-to-face with an annoying bully. After learning about self-acceptance, tolerance and welcoming others’ differences in the first book of the series, you will read now how they conquer their fears and overcome another challenge. They form a secret S.T.A.R Club. The Club’s Anti-bullying Code of Conduct is a 4-Step Bullying Prevention Approach. This simple, yet effective outlook is approved by professional youth counselors and child therapists.